About the Journal

Trakia Journal of Sciences (TJS) is an international peer-reviewed, no-fee, open access journal. 

It is a multidisciplinary scientific serial, covering all aspects of biomedical, medical, veterinary medical, agricultural, technical, educational and social sciences. TJS publishes review articles, original contributions, critical and topical reports, technical notes, scientific commentaries and news. 


All manuscripts submitted to TJS are considered confidential. The manuscript is checked for the conformity to the Instructions for Authors by the Editorial Office. Non-compliance with the requirements results in return of the manuscript for correction before evaluation. A notification of receiving the manuscript is sent by e-mail to the corresponding author immediately after submission to the journal.

Articles submitted to the Trakia Journal of Sciences will be reviewed by the Editors and external referees according to the highest academic standards. The review process lasts approximately 2-3 months. Timing of the receipt to the publication of the manuscripts can last up to one year.

When the review process is finished, a decision letter will be sent to the authors, including the comments of the referee(s). Any corrections suggested by the reviewers, should be made within the period of time indicated in the letter.

  • The Journal is issued FOUR TIMES a year and available in electronic version. Each article is published online in PDF format on the Web Site of the Journal as soon as it is ready for publication. Public access to articles is free of charge for all articles. The Journal articles are indexed in Crossref, DOAJ, EBSCO, EuroPub, Zoological Record, Electronic Journals Library, BASE, ROAD


This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ ) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is property cited.

 Thanks to the numerous of the Authors from Bulgaria and abroad who have contributed to the wide dissemination and citation of the journal articles
We are very grateful to all of the Reviewers, with their significant support, the Journal continues to develop.