
  • Iv. Ivanov Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology, Faculty of Pedagogy, National Sports Academy „Vasil Levski”, Sofia, Bulgaria Author
  • G. Ignatov Sport Games and Mountain Sports Division, Department of Sport, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria Author



football, football referees, mental preparation, mental skills, behavioral strategies, optimization, referrals


The level of development of modern professional football imposes higher and higher demands on the mental health of football referees. A mentally well-prepared football referee would counter the means of influence more effectively, which is a basic prerequisite for making correct and timely decisions. Based on the above, we set the goal of the present study to investigate the mental skills and behavioral coping strategies of elite football referees and, on this basis, to look for ways to optimize them. We set the objectives of the research: to examine the mental skills and behavioral strategies of elite football referees and, on this basis, to draw conclusions and recommendations for optimizing the work of elite football referees. The subject of the research is the mental skills and behavioral strategies of Elite football referees. The object of the research are 102 elite football referees from Bulgaria. For the purposes and tasks of the present study, we used two psychological methods – COPE-1 and TOPS. We processed the results using the statistical software SPSS v.22. Conclusion – the development of a large part of skills during a match, mental or purely technical, is an extremely good prerequisite for activity and purposeful actions. For quick and accurate handling in various situations.


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