
  • Iv. Milanov Institute of Food Security, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Author




Food security, migration flows, hunger, food systems, food safety, analysis, preventive activities


The report explores various aspects of the influence of migration flows on food security. It begins by examining the definition and causes of migration and focuses on the origins and nature of migration flows to EU member states. The report assesses both positive and negative effects of migration on recipient countries, particularly its impact on food balance and food security. It also discusses the regulation of migration flows and risk management.

Highlighting the importance of the analysis of migration flows, the report addresses the challenges associated with managing risks related to migration and food security. It suggests effective policy measures to mitigate these risks. Notably, migration flows can contribute to population growth in certain areas, leading to increased food demand and potential strains on existing food systems.

To address these challenges, the report emphasizes the need for enhanced cooperation between countries. This involves sharing information, adopting best practices, establishing robust regulatory mechanisms, coordinating humanitarian aid, and establishing networks for swift crisis response.

The aim of the present study is to underscore the importance of understanding the interplay between migration flows and food security. It advocates for access to safe and nutritionally balanced food for the most vulnerable segments of society.


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How to Cite

MIGRATION FLOWS AS A FACTOR, AFFECTING FOOD SECURITY. (2024). TRAKIA JOURNAL OF SCIENCES, 22(2), 7. https://doi.org/10.15547/tjs.2024.02.011

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