acne inversa, maladie de Velpeau-Verneuil, disease controlAbstract
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease which mostly affects intertriginous skin areas. For its advanced stage, regional complete surgical excision (CSE), followed by healing by secondary intention is a useful treatment modality.
PURPOSE: We performed a pilot case series study to calculate remission and defined recurrence rates of HS lesions after regional CSE.
METHODS: 44 regional CSE were performed in 22 patients with Hurley stage II/III disease. The mean resulting wound size was 96 cm². After completed reepithelization by secondary intention, patients were under regular face-to-face follow-up for 36 months at the Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology in Stara Zagora. New HS lesions within 1 cm around the resulting scar were rated as regional recurrence.
RESULTS: 42/44 (95.5%) excision sites showed complete scarring without hypertrophic scar, keloid formation, functional impairment or lymphedema. Regional recurrence was detected in 2/44 (4.5%) excision sites. New HS lesions distant from the regional excision site developed in 1/22 (4.5%) patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results underscore the high remission and low defined recurrence rates of treatment of advanced HS lesions by regional CSE and secondary intention wound healing and further support the significance of this treatment modality for long-term disease control.
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