pigs, brewer's yeast, growth, blood indicatorsAbstract
The experiment was carried out with 10 sows reared at the SCA - Sredets. The pigs were divided into two groups: control (n=5) and experimental (n=5), equalized according to age and body weight. Each pig received 3 kg of feed per day comprising of barley and wheat in a ratio of 70:30%. Experimental pigs received additionally 3% autolyzed brewer's yeast per 100 kg of feed. A body weight and blood indicators were recorded at the beginning and the end of the trial. During the experimental period the body weights increased from 111,360 kg to 131,860 kg and from 111,280 kg to 135,740 kg, for the control and experimental group, respectively. In treated pigs, the values of CHOL and TRG decreased by 17.24% (P< 0.05). The inclusion of autolyzed brewer's yeast in the diet of sows had a positive effect on their weight development associated with a rising trend in body weight at the end of the trial. We speculate that this additive may improve the physical health of the animals by impacting their lipid metabolism, yet future investigations with a larger number of pigs can further clarify this question.
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